Free Online Science Courses

Science is one of the broadest fields, and seeks to explain the way the world works. Science includes many specializations and courses of study, including physics (the study of the physical world), chemistry (the study of interactions between chemicals), biology (the study of living beings), social science (the study of human behavior in groups), geology (the study of the earth), and medical science (the study of healthcare methods). All of these fields share some common assumptions, however, such as the idea that knowledge can be gained by conducting experiments and collecting data.

The core method in all science fields is commonly called the scientific method, and is used in settings including college science programs and practical research laboratories. Scientists come up with a question to test, as well as a hypothesis regarding how that test will turn out. Results are predicted and then tested to see whether they match that prediction. The results are then analyzed, and scientists determine whether their initial predictions for their core question worked out. These findings are then reported so other scientists can take them into consideration in the future.

Why Take Free Online Science Courses?

Online courses in science can work out well as introductory classes om fields such as physics, psychology, computer science, and biology, though in most of these cases you will want to move on to a traditional campus for later laboratory work. An online science course can help you learn how to answer questions like:

  • How do I control experimental variables that could lead to bad data?
  • How do physical objects interact with one another?
  • What are the most important components of some of the planet’s ecosystems?
  • What are some of the practical problems with developing artificial intelligence?
  • What are some common psychological illnesses?

When considering an online science course, you should look into the quality of your chosen institution and its professors. Do professors at this school typically have a Ph.D. in science? Do students in online courses and those in classroom settings have comparable access to faculty at this school? Does this school have a good reputation for the science you are interested in? Being able to answer these questions can help determine whether the school you choose is a good fit for you.

Find Free Online Science Courses

Below we have compiled a list of online open courseware from top universities in several countries. These are offered for free, and include lecture notes, video lectures, practice exercises, and other teaching tools for science students. These online science course documents do not give you access to top faculty in the sciences to ask questions, but can serve as a good way of feeling out your own interest in science.


Science (11)

Easter Island and EntropyUniversity of Notre Dame

Open Courseware

Entropy, Physics, Geology, Ecology

Marine Power and PropulsionICT Digital Literacy

Open Courseware

Marine Science, Engineering

Planning, Policy and Design: Water Resource PolicyUniversity of California, Irvine

Open Courseware

Environmental Engineering, Ecology

PHIL 30390 - Environmental PhilosophyUniversity of Notre Dame

Open Courseware

Philosophy, Ecology, Environmental Science

General ScienceUniversity of South Queensland

Open Courseware

Scientific Method, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

Environmental Science LabKaplan University

Open Courseware

Environmental Science, Ecology, Conservation

The Rise of Modern ScienceMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Science, History, Society

Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate DynamicsMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Physics, Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate, Planets

Disease and Society in AmericaMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Medicine, Disease, Culture, Politics

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 165: Advanced Manufacturing ChoicesUniversity of California, Irvine

Open Courseware

Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing

ThermodynamicsUniversity of Notre Dame

Open Courseware

Engineering Systems, Thermodynamics