Free Online Information Technology Courses

Information technology is the study and practice of utilizing computers and other communication systems to transmit, organize, access, and manipulate data. Information technology is a broad term that is used in several industries, including in the business, engineering, and medical fields. Because the study of information technology is so broad, most college information technology programs are broken down into specific areas of focus such as the following: application development (also known as software development), systems analysis (the study of analyzing and determining the feasibility and functionality of information systems), and health informatics (the study of data and information management systems used in the healthcare industry). Regardless of the path of study a student chooses, the core idea behind all information technology studies is learning how to properly organize and store data using various telecommunication systems.

Why Take Free Online Information Technology Courses?

An online information technology class can be useful for learning about computer programming, database design, systems analysis, and data security. By taking online information technology courses, you will learn how to answer questions like:

  • How can I secure a computer network so outside users cannot access important stored data?
  • In what ways can computer networks and systems be tested to ensure proper functionality?
  • What information technology systems are best for storing high volumes of information?
  • How can you design information technology applications tailored to the specific needs of a business?
  • How is information transmitted and shared between different computer networks?

Free Online Information Technology Courses

Below you will find a directory of open courseware from online information technology programs around the world. These files, class lectures, and exams allow you to learn free of charge; however, you will not have direct access to a professor for guidance. Open courseware is available to students who want to experience firsthand what taking online courses is really like before enrolling in a degree-granting university program.


Information Technology (12)

Internet History, Technology, and SecurityUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

IT Security, Cyber Security

Ethics and Information TechnologyUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

Ethics, Cyber Security

SI 640/ SI740: Digital Libraries and ArchivesUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

Library Science

SI 657/757: Information Technology and Global DevelopmentUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

Instructional Technology, Information Policies

SI 615: Seminar on Digital LibrariesUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

Library Science

SI 643: Professional Practice in Libraries and Information CentersUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

Library Science

SI 626: Management of Libraries and Information ServicesUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

Library Science, Management, Public Relations

Leadership and Management: Managing Change in Healthcare IT ImplementationsUniversity of Michigan

Open Courseware

Management Information Systems, Healthcare Management

Database SystemsMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Database, Systems, Technology

Data MiningMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Data, Mining, Data Warehouses, Technology, Statistics

Microsoft PowerPoint - Lesson 1Utah State University

Open Courseware

Presentations, Microsoft, PowerPoint, Slides

Practical Programming in CMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

C, Programming, Software, Unix