Free Online Criminal Justice Courses

Criminal justice is the study of the structures, functions, and policies related to apprehending, persecuting, sentencing, and incarcerating individuals who have violated criminal laws. Criminal justice is a broad subject of legal and police studies that can be broken down into many concentrations including punishment and corrections, criminology, American court systems, juvenile crime, law enforcement, homeland security, among others. Although the study of criminal justice offers a variety of concentrated disciplines, criminal justice at its core involves the general examination of crime, justice, and criminal behavior. Additionally, basic criminal justice programs introduce students to the ethics of police work and the responsibilities of the American court systems.

Why Take Free Online Criminal Justice Courses?

Criminal justice courses are based on theoretical studies and do not require a significant amount of hands-on work so online courses are a viable option for learning more about this field. An online criminal justice course will introduce you to the principles of criminal law and the American justice system and provide you with a thorough understanding of criminal behaviors and punishments.

Online courses in criminal justice are helpful for learning the theories and principles behind police work and the judicial system. Students enrolled in these courses can anticipate learning about:

  • The difference in how juvenile offenders and adult offenders are treated.
  • Rehabilitation programs offered to offenders who are going to be released back into the community.
  • The process for determining that an offender is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
  • The process for trying and prosecuting a criminal offender.
  • Police tactics used to prevent white-collar crime.

Find Free Online Criminal Justice Courses

If you are interested in online courses in criminal justice, you may find the following list of open courseware helpful. Although free, these courses usually do not offer the benefit of interaction with a professor. The resources below consist of lecture-based courses, videos, exam outlines, and other materials that can help determine your interest in college criminal justice programs.


Criminal Justice (10)

Law and Veterinary MedicineTufts University

Open Courseware

Criminal Law, Civil Law

International Studies: Global Issues & InstitutionsUniversity of California, Irvine

Open Courseware

Terrorism, Political Science

IIPS 30101: Introduction to Peace StudiesUniversity of Notre Dame

Open Courseware

Political Science, Government

Theories of Public PolicyTufts University

Open Courseware

Public Policy, Law, Government

Disaster, Vulnerability and ResilienceMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Social, Political, Disaster, Policy & Planning

Ethics and the Law on the Electronic FrontierMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Law, Policy, Internet, Technology, PATRIOT Act

Forensic PsychologyVirtual University of Pakistan

Open Courseware

Forensic, Psychology, Crime, Violence, Psychoanalytics

Law and SocietyMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Law, Legal, Society, Policy

Warlords, Terrorists, and Militias: Theorizing on Violent Non-State ActorsMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Terrorism, Violence, Warlords, Governments

Immigration Law SymposiumUniversity of California Irvine


Physical, Cognitive, Intelligence, PE