Free Online Computer Science Courses

Computer science is the study of computational systems, their practical applications, and the examination of how humans interact with and improve upon new technology. College computer science programs and their open online courses typically focus on these primary concentrations: the theory behind programming language, the pragmatic applications and development of new technology, instructional design, and the creation of more user-friendly tech interfaces. Specifically, many courses deal with algorithm creation and coding techniques, while others will apply this knowledge to real-world tasks such as software construction.

Why Take Free Online Computer Science Courses?

Online computer science courses are offered at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and since computers and mobile technology are so ubiquitous, it is possible to earn a viable education through online courses and degree programs. However, in most instances, hiring personnel will restrict their employee search to candidates with qualifying degrees or exceptional programming abilities. As such, an online computer science course cannot substitute for a degree in the job market, but you can ensure that you receive quality online instruction that equates that of an on-campus program.

Online courses in computer science are viable options if you want to learn more about software engineering, communication network construction, robotics, and coding theory. During these online courses, you will learn:

  • How programming languages differ in terms of form and function.
  • How open sourcing jas given the general public increased ability to design new tech interfaces.
  • What some of the most intriguing advancements in computer science still to come.
  • How advances computing technology influenced seemingly disparate fields like healthcare and finance.
  • Who some of the pioneers of early computational science were and how their findings influence your coursework.

When selecting an open online course from a university, it is essential that you first gauge their accreditation, viability, and relevance to your intended career. Additionally, you should select courses that require copious coding assignments so you earn real-world experience that can be applied to future field-related careers.

Find Free Online Computer Science Courses

We have compiled relevant open courseware in computer science and organized it in the directory below. Open courseware is a collection of online tests, video lectures, and related course materials from universities around the world. While these materials are free to access, you will have to learn independently since you cannot interact with the professor. However, these courses can be excellent resources if you are considering an on-campus or online computer science degree and want to gauge your interest in the subject and your ability to meet classroom requirements.


Computer Science (94)

Computer Science 164: Mobile Software EngineeringHarvard University


Computer Engineering, Mobile Engineering, Web Design

Object-Oriented Programming in C++University of South Queensland

Open Courseware

Computer Engineering, Programming, Software Development

CS 470/670: Artificial IntelligenceUMass Boston

Open Courseware

Systems Design, Engineering, Programming

Introduction to RoboticsStanford University

Open Courseware

Computer Engineering, Robotics

CHE 466: Process Dynamics and ControlsUniversity of Michigan


Process Technology, Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Introduction to Computer Science: Programming MethodologyStanford University

Open Courseware

Programming, Software Engineering

Introduction to Computer Science: Programming AbstractionsStanford University

Open Courseware

Programming, Software Engineering

Introduction to Computer Science: Programming ParadigmsStanford University

Open Courseware

Programming, Software Engineering, Information Technology

Artificial Intelligence: Machine LearningStanford University

Open Courseware

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language ProcessingStanford University

Open Courseware

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Quantum ComputationUniversity of Oxford


Science, Physics, Engineering

The Beauty of Joy of ComputingUniversity of California, Berkeley


Programming, Software Engineering

Understanding Computers and the InternetHarvard University


Hardware, Software, Internet, Website Development, Programming

Building Mobile Applications - Android/iOS AppsHarvard University


Applications, Programming

Practical Aspects of Modern CryptographyUniversity of Washington


Cryptography, Protocols, Solutions, Digital Rights Management

Search Engines: Technology, Society, and BusinessUniversity of California, Berkeley


Search Engines, Internet, Technology, Business

The Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsUniversity of California, Berkeley


Programming, Functions

Programming Languages and CompilersUniversity of California, Berkeley


Compilers, Programming Languages

Computer MusingsStanford University


Literate Programming, Programming

Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsMassachusetts Institute of Technology


Computer Languages, Programming

Introduction to Computer Science I Harvard University


Programming, Software Engineering

Exposing Digital PhotographyHarvard University

Open Courseware

Photography, Hardware

Music and Technology: Live Electronics Performance PracticesMassachusetts Institute of Technology


Electronics, Computer Synthesis Programming, Hardware, Software

Data Structures and Advanced Programming (Java) University of California, Berkeley


Data Structures, Programming, Java

Circuits and ElectronicsMassachusetts Institute of Technology


Circuits, Electronics, Electrical Engineering

Data Structures and Advanced Programming University of California, Berkeley


Interfaces, Algorithmic Analysis, Programming

Vision AlgorithmsUniversity of Washington


Image Statistics, Energy, Algorithms, Partial Differential Equations

Principles of Digital Communication IIMassachusetts Institute of Technology


Coding, Digital Communication

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and ToolsStanford University

Open Courseware

Compilers, Programming Languages

Computational Camera and PhotographyMassachusetts Institute of Technology


Computer Graphics, Electronics

Introduction to Embedded Systems University of California, Berkeley


Modeling, Dynamics, Systems

Introduction to Videogame StudiesMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Videogame, Technology

Computers in Our WorldPrinceton University

Open Courseware

Computing, Technology, Programming

Introduction to Computer Graphics University of British Columbia

Open Courseware

Computer Graphics, Transformations, Graphics

Logic Programming Carnegie Mellon University

Open Courseware

Logic, Programming, Static Analyses

Computer Game ProgrammingEastern Michigan University

Open Courseware

Game Programming, Programming, Java

Introduction to Database SystemsUniversity of California, Berkeley

Open Courseware

Calculus, Algebra, Modeling, Databases

Introduction to Computer Systems Carnegie Mellon University

Open Courseware

Programming, Memory, Machines, Internetworking

Linear LogicCarnegie Mellon University

Open Courseware

Linear Logic, Deductions, Programming

Automatic Speech RecognitionMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Algorithms, Automation, Engineering

Introduction to ProgrammingQueen Mary, University of London

Open Courseware

Programming, Transformers, Machines

Algorithms and Data StructuresQueen Mary, University of London

Open Courseware

Algorithms, Data Structures, Java

Data Communication NetworksMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Databases, Networking

Concepts and Tools for Software DevelopmentUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Software Development, Programming

Machine LearningCarnegie Mellon University

Open Courseware

Machine Learning, Systems, Robotics

CSE 461: Computer Communication and NetworksUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Networking, Databases, Internetworking

CSE 403: Software EngineeringUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Software Engineering, Programming

CSE 322: Introduction to Formal Models in Computer ScienceUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Formal Models, Programming Languages

CSE 326: Data Structures University of Washington

Open Courseware

Data Structures, Programming

Machine Organization and Assembly University of Washington

Open Courseware

Machine Organization, Assembly Language Programming, Programming

CSE444 Introduction to Database SystemsUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Databases, Networking, Query Execution

CSE 451: Operating SystemsUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Operating Systems, Systems, Memory

Advanced Internet and Web Services University of Washington

Open Courseware

Web Services, Internet, Interfaces

Computer VisionUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Segmentation, Object Recognition, Optical Flow

Software for Embedded Systems University of Washington

Open Courseware

Software, Embedded Systems, Networks

Advanced Digital DesignUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Digital Synthesis, Modeling, Digital Design

CSE 471: Computer Design and OrganizationUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Caching, Synchronization, Processors, Dataflow

CSE 473: Artificial IntelligenceUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Artificial Intelligence, Networks, Inference

CSE 490: Introduction to Data CompressionUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Information Theory, Databases, Arithmetic Coding

Design in NeuroboticsUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Neurobotics, Robotics

Computer Systems University of Washington

Open Courseware

Systems, Engineering

CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Ensembles

Algorithms & Computational ComplexityUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Algorithms, Computation

Implementation of Programming Languages University of Washington

Open Courseware

Programming Languages, Compiler Organization, Software Development

CSE503: Software EngineeringUniversity of Washington

Open Courseware

Software Development, Programming

Computational Neuroscience University of Washington

Open Courseware

Neurobiology, Networks, Coding

Communicating with Mobile TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Mobile Technology, Mobile Applications, Engineering

Computer VisionUniversity of Oxford

Open Courseware

Matlab, Robotics, Computational Vision

CS 446: Real-Time RenderingUniversity of Virginia

Open Courseware

Rendering Engine, 3D Graphics, Visibility

Introduction to Computer GraphicsUniversity of Virginia

Open Courseware

Computer Graphics, Modeling, Programming

Animation University of Virginia

Open Courseware

Inverse Kinematics, Motion Capture, Animation, Optimization, Physical Simulation

Image SynthesisUniversity of Virginia

Open Courseware

Image Synthesis, Rendering, Computer Graphics

Information VisualizationUniversity of British Columbia

Open Courseware

Perception, High Dimensionality, Animation

Introduction to Computation (Java)University of British Columbia

Open Courseware

Computation, Java, Hardware

Grid ComputingKent State University


Grid Computing, Networking, Functionality

Advanced Topics in CryptographyMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Cryptography, Secure Computation, Mathematics

Quantum ComputationMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Quantum Computation, Information Processing, Quantum Logic, Quantum Algorithms

Principles of Digital CommunicationMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Digital Communication, Communications, Data Compression

I/O-AlgorithmsAarhus University

Open Courseware

Algorithms, Memory, Data Structures

Programming Languages and Translators Columbia University

Open Courseware

Programming Languages, Translators, Programming

Science of SoundUtah State University

Open Courseware

Electrical Engineering, Computing Engineering

XML FoundationsUniversity of California, Berkeley

Open Courseware

Extensible Markup Language (XML), Programming Languages, Syntax

CS186: Introduction to Database SystemsUniversity of California, Berkeley


Database Systems, Relational Algebra, Query Processing

Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceUniversity of California, Berkeley

Open Courseware

Artificial Intelligence, Probability, Speech Recognition

Python TrackCalifornia Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Python, Programming Language, Coding

Introduction to AlgorithmsMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Numbers Pictures (NP)

Haskell TrackCalifornia Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Haskell, Programming Language, DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages)

Java TrackCalifornia Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Java, Programming Language, Coding

Advanced C++California Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

C++, Standard Template Library (STL), Algorithms

C++California Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

C++, Functions, Algorithms

C TrackCalifornia Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

C Programming Language, UNIX, Coding

Data Structures and AlgorithmsKansas State University

Open Courseware

Operating Systems, Data Structures, Algorithms

Java ProgrammingSofia Open Content

Open Courseware

Java Programming, Programming Languages

Computer Language EngineeringMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Open Courseware

Programming Languages, Functions, Software Development